Project Reach Out works to improve the network of support to youth and their families through confidential and voluntary crisis intervention referral services. Each year, teens run away for a variety of reasons that may include unresolved conflict, lack of communication, and differences over roles, rules, and expectations. Project Reach Out can help during these difficult times by ensuring access to 24-hour crisis intervention services, reuniting youth with their families when appropriate, encouraging the resolution of inter-family problems through mediation and other services, strengthening family relationships, encouraging stable living conditions for youth, and helping youth decide upon a constructive course of action and decision making in a non-judgmental atmosphere. Most services are offered for free or a minimal fee.
For more information, call (715) 394-9177 or 1(800) 777-7844.
Only available in Douglas County, WI
CSP outreach services are provided to adults with the primary goal of assisting consumers in recovery from mental illness. Interventions include supportive therapy, medication management, education regarding mental illness, assistance with learning needed skills, finding and maintaining affordable housing, independent living skills, benefits assistance, vocational support, symptom monitoring, outreach, crisis assistance, psycho-social rehabilitation, and general case management. Program services are primarily provided on an outreach basis with services typically occurring in the home or community.
Also available in Carlton County, MN, Lake County, MN, and St. Louis County, MN
A Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) is an integrated model of care improving service quality and accessibility. This model is the future of community behavioral health with a goal to improve both mental health and substance abuse treatment across the country.